DISCPLINES: Embryology Andrology Ultrasound Endocrinology
Information on QA Scheme: Sperm DNA Fragmentation 2016
Comment = A trial scheme looking at assays for Sperm Chromatin Structure including SCSA, Commet and Tunel. Participation by invitation only. Each participant is asked to submit a reply for 12 initial samples one month apart. There are provisions to submit a reply for SCSA, Commet or TUNEL assays and the submit a final answer to a QAP question for statistical review. Each participant may submit an indication if in their view the sample is either normal or abnormal and their opinion on sample quality. The program will be reviewed after 12 months.
Number of enrollments =22 [* This indicates only the number of enrollments. Not all participants will have completed the scheme]
List of QA Issues (or Instalments)
Code Title Available from
HAS2016.01 Release sample# 2014.01 1/1/2016
HAS2016.02 Release sample# 2014.02 1/2/2016
HAS2016.03 Release sample# 2014.03 1/3/2016
HAS2016.04 Release sample# 2014.04 1/4/2016
HAS2016.05 Release sample# 2014.05 1/5/2016
HAS2016.06 Release sample# 2014.06 1/6/2016
HAS2016.07 Release sample# 2014.07 1/7/2016
HAS2016.08 Release sample# 2014.08 1/8/2016
HAS2016.09 Release sample# 2014.09 1/9/2016
HAS2016.10 Release sample# 2014.10 1/10/2016
HAS2016.11 Release sample# 2014.11 1/11/2016
HAS2016.12 Release sample# 2014.12 1/12/2016
List of Questions asked for QA Scheme:Sperm DNA Fragmentation 2016
ID Question Question Format
517 % DNA Fragmentation [by SCSA] Numeric Outcome
518 % DNA Fragmentation [Commet] Numeric Outcome
519 % DNA Fragmentation [Tunel] Numeric Outcome
520 % High Stain Cells [By SCSA-immature cells] Numeric Outcome
521 Sample Diagnosis Defined Options
522 What comments would you make on the sample including properties and diagnosis. Educational Outcome
516 What is the % DNA Fragmentation [all methods] Numeric Outcome
Detailed Information on Question: % DNA Fragmentation [Tunel]
Status This is not a key question for the Scheme    
Type Numeric Outcome
Order Question Options
1 % DNA Fragmentation [Tunnel]
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