Company Display and Promotion Information.
FertAid provide a number of avenues for IVF Staff to visit your web site.These avenues include QAPonline, IVFdaily news service and CPD education modules.
The awareness of new products is as important to IVF staff as any other education or accreditation function. Indeed, new technology and developments are always of keen interest to all IVF staff and IVFDaily mailouts and web page displays are a excellent way to bring to their attention, infomatin on your product range. While most companies have a established promotional process, IVFDaily & FertAid.com is a new and dynamic vechile to bring your products to the attention of all IVF staff.
FertAid is changing the way your company may promote its products on the various pages within the Fertaid web site. FertAid has identified a number of key product areas that believes are of interest to its browsers and is able to offer EXCLUSIVE advertising to each of these key product lines on a month by month or on an annual arrangement.
FertAid has also created a mechanism for you to review the activity for each promotion with banner/panel selection date/time, ISP of browser and the mailout that promoted the enquiry.
Please contact FertAid to discuss your products promotion.


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