QAPonline has created the capacity to enroll all staff in one scheme automatically. This is to same time even though individual enrollments only takes a second. Since QAPonline does not know the skill level or experience, global enrollments are all at professional level and 0 years experience. The QAP supervisor can modify this information at any time.
QAPOnlne allows for several levels of enrollment in an EQA scheme. The student level allows a staff member to be enrolled but their submissions will NOT be used in any statistical calculation. It is intended to be used for training or assessment when new staff members are appointed.
Associate enrollments are virtually the same a student in that their submissions are entered but not used in statistical calculations. The difference is meant to imply that the staff member is skilled in some areas in the laboratory but is doing the scheme to demonstrate proficiency in a new area.
Professional enrollment is the standard format where their submissions will form part of their own competency and will be used in statistical calculations for the schemes EQA and for your QAP groups IQC purposes.
As the name implies, PEER enrollments are intended to identify the participant as a `proficient` in the field and as such may be used as a reference for EQA purposes. There are two levels of PEER. The first is appointed by the QAP supervisor to act as an internal reference point for all staff in the QAP group. The second is one appointed by QAPonline and is defined as a participant of more than years experience AND whose performance in QAPonline has been very consistent. Currently this is set as more than 66% of replies being within 1 SD of the trimmed mean.