Under the QAPonline Header, Select Schemes to identify the schemes in which you have enrolled. Select QAPonline->JOIN to see the schemes that you can join. Under QAPonline->Questions, you can see the questions available to you each month.
Selecting and scheme will identify what is in an EQA scheme. As illustrated for the blastocyst scheme for 2008 [HEF2008], you can see it is composed a series of what are called INSTALLMENTS. Each installment as a date from which can be accessed. Any installments after the current month and year cannot be accessed. They appear on the list but the hyperlink is disabled. In this example, the list of installments also indicates if it contains a QAP question [i.e. one that the EQA uses for statistical analysis] or whether they are for education purposes only. NOte though that from 2010 forward, many educational questions are used in an AUDIT program.