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The Key Performance Indicators available include:
Key KPI Description
Patient Dynamics
OPU Egg Collections Number of Egg collections per Month
% <35yrs % <35 yrs Proportion of collections from women less than 35 years of age over all collections [measures the impact of womens age on outcomes]
% ICSI % ICSI The proportion of egg collections that proceeded to ICSI rather than IVF [measures male factors].
% 1st Cycle % 1st Cycle Proportion of egg collections from women on their fist cycle of treatment.
Clinical Outcomes
Ova/Collection Ova/Collection Number of ova per egg Collection
% PR(hCG) hCG Pregnancies/ET Number of fresh transfers with an elevated hCG expressed as % per embryo transfer
%CP (Sac) Clinical Pregnancies/ET Number of fresh transfers with a gestation sac confirmed by ultrasound expressed as % per embryo transfer
%CP (FH) Pregnancy Rate by FH Number of fresh transfers with a gestation sac containing a viable fetal heart beat confirmed by ultrasound expressed as % per embryo transfer
% D2/3 CP/ET % Clinical Pregnancies/Fresh Embryo transfer D2/3 Percentage of clinical pregnancies following transfer of fresh embryos on either day 1,2 or 3.
% D2/3 CP/FET % Clinical Pregnancies/Frozen Embryo transfer D2/3 Percentage of clinical pregnancies following transfer of embryos cryopreserved on day 1,2 or 3 and transferred on day 1,2 or 3.
% D4/5 CP/ET % Clinical Pregnancies/Fresh Embryo transfer D4/5 Percentage of clinical pregnancies following transfer of fresh embryos on day 4,5 or 6.
% D4/5 CP/FET % Clinical Pregnancies/Frozen Embryo transfer D4/5 Percentage of clinical pregnancies following transfer of embryos cryopreserved on any day and transferred on day 4, 5 or 6.
% D5 CP/FET -l % Clinical Pregnancies/Frozen Blastocyst transfer D5 Percentage of clinical pregnancies following transfer of embryos cryopreserved only on day 5 or day 6 and transferred on day 5 or 6.
% Implantation % Implantation Rate The proportion of implantation's (sacs) per embryo transferred
%MP_CP % Multiple Pregnacy/Pregnancy The percentage of multiple pregnancies per clinical pregnancy
Fertilisation Outcomes
% IVM %oocytes matured in vitro. The number of IVM oocytes that matured in vitro as a %
TestKPI Test KPI [~eggs/OPU] A dummy KPI for testing the performance of IVFBenchmarking. Use eggs/collection as the model for this KPI.
% Mature Ova % Mature Ova/ICSI Collection Percentage number of Mature Oocytes available for ICSI per Egg Collection (ICSI cycles only).
% IVF Fert % Fertilisation Rate Total number of 2PN zygotes/egg collection - includes both IVF and ICSI cycles
% ICSI Fert ICSI Fertilisation Rate Number of 2PN embryos/Number of oocytes Injected.
% Total Fert Overall Fertilisation rate Total number of 2PN embryos divided by the total number of ocoytes regardless of insemination method.
% One PN % One PN The percentage of fertilised oocytes with only 1 visible PN.
% Three+ PN % Three+PN The percentage of fertilised oocytes with three or more PN
% Deg % Deg % of degenerating oocytes
%VIABLE % Viable Pregnancies % of cases with a fetal heart on ultrasound and either an ongoing pregnancy or delivered.
Cleavage Outcomes
% Cleavage D2/D3 Cleavage Rates Percentage number of zygotes that cleave over the number of zygotes (2PN embryos)on either day 2 or day 3 from insemination. [Value0-100]
% D2/3 UR Embryo Utilisation The proportion of 2PN embryos that were either transferred or cryostored on day 2 or day 3.
%D2 TQE % Top Quality Embryos Day 2 % of 2PN embryos forming Top Quality Embryos [TQE] on Day 2. These would be 4 cell embryos with no fragmentation. Use QAPonline for EQA
%Cleavage % Cleavage The proportion of 2PN embryos that cleaved by day 2
% Arrest Rate % Arrest Rate The proportion of 2PN embryos that failed to continue cleavage to day 3.
% D3 TQE % Top Quality Embryos Day 3 % of 2PN embryos forming Top Quality Embryos [TQE] on Day 3. These would be 7-9 cell embryos with no fragmentation and even blastomeres.- Use QAPonline for EQA.
Blastocyst Outcomes
D5BUR %Day 5 Useable Blastocysts from Morbeck, 2018, the D5BUR is the % of 2PN embryos that are suitable for either transferring or cryostroing as blastocysts on Day 5. This has been shown to be a marker of clinical pregnancy rate
% Blastocyst Day 5 Blastulation Rate The percentage of PN embryos that develop to the blastocyst on day 5. A blastocyst must contain a blastocoel cavitity, ICM and trophectoderm [Gardners grade 3 or more]
% D5/6 UR Blastocyst Utilisation Rate The percentage of 2PN embryos that are either transferred or cryostored on day 5 or day 6
%D5 TQE % Top Quality Embryos Day The percentage of PN embryos that develop to a top Quality Blastocyst on day 5. This must be Gardners Grade 4AA, 4AB or 4BA.
CryoPerservation Outcomes
%D2 Survival % Survival Day 2 Embryos Percentage of thawed/warmed Day 2 cleavage stage embryos that survived and available for transfer or continued culture.
% D3 Survival % Survival Day 2 Embryos Percentage of thawed Day 3 cleavage stage embryos that survived and available for transfer or continued culture.
% D5/6 Survival % Survival Day 5/6 Embryos Percentage of thawed Day 5/6 Blastocyst stage embryos that survived and available for transfer.
Performance Measures
sMPR/ET Multiple Pregnancy Rate /Fresh Transfer The percentage of transfers with more than one gestational sac seen on ultrasound day 7 weeks
%SET % Single Embryo transfer % of embryo transfers where a single embryo was transferred (regardless of whether there was one or more embryos or the day of transfer)
%SELECT % Single Elective Embryo transfers The percentage of single embryo transfers where there was surplus to freeze.
Avge Embryos ET Avge Embryos ET The average number of embryos transferred over all ages
<35 Avge Emb ET <35 Avge Emb ET Average number of embryos transferred for women less than 35 years of age
Avge Embryos Cr Avge Embryos Cryo Average number of embryos cryopresevered/collection
PI Productive Index Total number of clinical pregnancies (US confirmed)/number of transfers (both fresh and frozen).
MISCARR % MIscarriage % of sacs that are lost or without a fetal heaart
BIOCHEM % Biochemical Pregnancies % of transfers with an elevated hCG Measurement but no sac seen on ultrasound.

About KPI List
This list is a DRAFT list only. It is anticipate that the list will expand considerably especially with specific age definitions and the creation of specific BenchMark sub groups. Any comments and suggestions should be made to office@fertaid.com

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